Friday, August 5, 2011

Week 9, Thing 23

I am interested in using prezi - I am tired of powerpoints so I imagine the kids are too. I would like to try and convert some of my lecture notes into different presentation formats.

This has been a wonderful course and I thank you sincerely for all that you have done for us. I have spent some enjoyable time playing this summer (neglecting the work I was planning on getting done).

Week 9, Thing 22

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Thing 8, Thing 21

I need to take time to explore Storybird and GoAnimate a bit more. At first glance, I am always thinking that I would like to share the technology with my older students for them to use when planning lessons.

I also think that this is the best replacement for making books in the storytelling unit for my entry level class. I see this as a great opportunity for collaboration with Language Arts for writing and illustrating a story for preschoolers.

There are some concepts/essential questions that could be better introduced with digital storytelling to better grab student's interests. We take lots of pictures in our lab and classroom and I try to use real life experiences in my lessons on a regular basis to promote interest in learning. I love all the tools for utilizing photos that you have shared. It's going to take time and thought (as well as trial and error) to use them effectively.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Week 7, Thing 18

I could save the image to my desktop and upload as a picture, but could not find the code snippet to embed.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Week 6, Thing 13

I have tried this several times and keep getting the same message. It won't embed as a wall. Here is the link for the wall. Wallwisher for cudacare ; however, I was able to embed it on my edmodo site without any problems.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Week 4, Thing 9

More fun. I think the girls would like to use this site for their lesson plans with the "littles."

Week 4, Thing 8

This was fun and lots easier than I thought it would be to create the avatar.

I found out how to add a link to the avatar if it's not possible to embed - of course I found it by making an error in posting it the first time.

Week 3 Thing 7

This is a great site and so much easier than photoshop. I missed somewhere how to wrap text in the post and had to go back and view the tutorial again. I really appreciate the great job you did with directions.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Week 3, Thing 6

This would be a good resource for the girls to use to design their Tshirts next year. What a good way to give out a vocab list. I need to spend some time checking out S.Hendy's blog:

ToonDoo is celliott53 and p/w is cc

Tech Woes

When it posted the side is cut off. The solution is to "find a way to planet NODOZ.
How can I resize to fit the space?

Monday, June 20, 2011

Posting and sizing a picture

Dad and Dee visited St. Augustine on their way to the Masters. We had a very nice dinner at Harry's. Grace also joined us.

note to self

To leave comments on the Junkie blog, click on the "about" page.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Smile Box: Stamp Camp album

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
Create your own scrapbook - Powered by Smilebox
Create your own free digital scrapbooking design

Week 3, Thing 5: Was excited to find out that we can sign up for the teacher discount. I am anxious to share these tools with my students. I wish we had better, more reliable computer/internet access.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Wedding book

Week 3, Thing 5: Tried to put the wedding book into the side bar but it's too large. How can it be resized to fit?

Is there a way to include text with an album on a post, or does it have to be two separate posts?
ANSWER: use "Post Options" at the bottom when composing to click "Interpret HTML"

| View Sample Photo Books | Create your own Photo Book

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Changes and another question

Tried to add comment to one of my posts and only got a loop - google account to type in the security word to google account.....


Your DoppelMe Key is: DM5937509FN

(Your DoppelMe Key is used to add your avatar to other websites that support DoppelMes).

Please click on the following link to complete your registration using the following details:
username: celliott
password: changed to cc

Week 3 Thing 3

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Check this out

for free blog designs. "Cute n Cool" Blog Stuff

Another question

What is a gadget and how to move it.

an answer and more questions

Found the time change

How to edit fonts and make header larger/extend across the page


How to resize a photo (file too large) to use as background.

Why is the time of posting wrong?

In the beginning...

I managed to get started by using my normal methods: clicking buttons and trial and error learning!